What a Cactus Flower Can Teach You
“Relax into stillness and let the Universe take it
where it wants to take it.”
Today I’m so blown away inspired by an amazingly stunning cactus flower that grows in our garden.
It’s the first time it blooms and, oh my, is it magical. Don’t you think?
When I looked at it and became still, I heard its message whisper to me.
Yes, flowers have messages.
In fact all of nature is always trying to awaken you to your own beauty, when you’re open to it.
Nature teaches us to reconnect with being.
Not only do we need nature, nature needs us.
Right now we get so overloaded with information and knowledge, we’ve almost lost connection with the subtle.
We’ve lost ourselves in thought.
We’ve lost our faith, our inner knowing that in fact, we’re stunningly amazing as well.
It’s who we are.
It’s painful and scary, at times, to see humanity has fallen asleep to its own beauty and wisdom.
I know I’m one of them at times.
So many solutions are being offered, it almost makes you buy into believing there must indeed be something wrong with you. By watching nature unfold, it’s a relief to know the utter simplicity of life carries the greatest prosperity and the greatest wisdom.
This flower didn’t think about how it could become anything.
It has already been coded. Coded to be itself fully.
We’re taught to strive, push, and make things happen.
Yet those are the very things that block our joy, our flow, our creativity and our ability to let life unfold, just like the cactus flower.
Of course, this takes trust and it takes learning to lean on a power bigger than yourself.
The same power that opens the flowers and makes the stars revolve around the sun is available for you.
The spiritual book A Course in Miracles says:
“Miracles are everyone’s right,
but purification is necessary first.”
The purification from our loveless thinking.
The thinking that we have to do it all alone.
The thinking there must be something wrong with us.
The thinking that negativity, manipulation, and judgement works.
It’s false.
All it does is polluting ourselves, the people around us and our precious world.In times like these, may we all remember and embrace the message of the cactus flower.
Your greatest fragrance and beauty is revealed in stillness.
Here are 6 simple steps to connect with a power bigger than yourself and to receive help.
#1 Ask for help
Help is always available yet it never forces itself unto you. Therefore we need to ask.
What do you need help with? Your health? Your relationships? Your career? Your negative thoughts?
Be specific.
Express gratitude by saying: “Thank you for revealing the solutions to this challenge to me.”
#2 Now step back
Hand over your worries, your concerns, your unanswered questions, and challenges.
#3 Listen to the guidance
Slow down so you can hear the messages available for you.
#4 Be in a state of deep love and gratitude
#5 Surrender
Release the outcome and trust that there is a plan greater than your own.
Allow yourself to be present, then take action. Notice how present a flower is, how surrendered to life.
#6 Be childlike
Children are still connected to their guidance system. Have fun, enjoy, and be silly ;-))
This universal power will help you to shine your light into the world.
It will help you to help others.
With sparkles of L O V E and stillness,