
The Power of Decluttering

I don’t know what came over me the last few weeks, yet I felt an intense impulse to clean clutter....

Scattering of the Old

All we can truly rely on is our inner strength, our trust and a kind of holy knowing, that no matter what happens, we’ll be okay....

Bringing in the Light

Do you feel the turbulence in our world? Do you feel your stomach contract and your heart racing at times? I know I do....

Noticing Your Racing Thoughts

Now you'd think in such an environment you must be blissfully still and at peace all the time. Yet, actually often I notice how my mind is racing....

My Hopeless Need to Fix

I felt my stomach contracting. My head racing. I noticed myself wanting to “fix” this problem. I started talking about what she could do....

Use All Challenges to Rise

I wonder what's going on inside of you. How you're navigating this time of deep challenges. I regularly feel all kinds of emotions stirring my heart (+ meditation video)....

What stillness can teach you

What a Cactus Flower Can Teach You

When I looked at it and became still, I heard its message whisper to me. Yes, flowers have messages. In fact all of nature is always trying to awaken you....

Money Truths

Six Money Truths The River Taught Me

I don’t know about you, but the topic of money has gotten me on my knees many times. It is as if money forced me to look where I never wanted to look. ...

5 Simple Rituals to Nourish Yourself

Do you often feel you’re too exhausted and too overwhelmed to nourish yourself? Do you see as one more thing to DO, on your already overfilled day? ...